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O candidato selecionado desenvolverá atividades de pesquisa na área de Modelagem Matemática e Ciências de Dados e Estatística aplicadas à Fitossanidade da Cana-de-Açúcar, com envolvimento nos seguintes temas: modelagem de dinâmica populacional espaço-temporal, modelos de previsão de previsões de artrópodes e tomada de decisão de manejo de regras, no CEPENFITO – Centro de Pesquisas em Engenharia – Fitossanidade em Cana-de-Açúcar.
O candidato selecionado será responsável pelo desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa em cana-de-açúcar, definido como prioritário e estratégico para o CEPENFITO, em articulação com as instituições de pesquisa associadas ao Centro e sob a supervisão do Dr. do CEPENFITO. O projeto consiste em Mineração, Análise e Modelagem de Dados relacionados à proteção fitossanitária (insetos práticos e doenças) na cana-de-açúcar
Research Field Information science » Other Education Level PhD or equivalent
The candidate must have a Ph.D. degree developed in a topic related to the area of Mathematics, Statistics and related domains. The candidate must demonstrate training and interest in the area described, as well as predisposition for interdisciplinary research. It is considered relevant, but not mandatory, that the candidate presents knowledge and experience in studies applied to sugarcane and publications in indexed scientific journals.
The candidate must have earned the Ph.D. less than seven years ago upon the application. He/She must have exclusive dedication to the Post-Doctoral program. Candidates with international research experience (short and long internships, participation in collaborations) are strongly desired.
The candidate must have availability of residence in the city of Jaboticabal, SP.
Specific Requirements
Documents required for enrollment
Brazilian or foreign candidates must send an updated curriculum vitae (CV), being allowed to send the curriculum of Plataforma Lattes – CNPq. Curriculum Vitae must be sent as a “pdf” file. If the candidate is selected, the supporting documents related to education, professional and academic experiences will be requested to complete the process and grant the fellowship. If the candidate does not present the documents when requested, he or she will be eliminated from the process.
2-Cover letter
The candidate must prepare an objective cover letter (up to two pages) stating his/her motivations and expectations for the post doctorate program. The candidate must also report his/her expectation and adherence of competences and skills to the requirements of this postdoctoral opportunity.
3-Reference letters
Two reference letters reporting the candidate’s qualifications for the post-doctorate position are necessary for this PD opportunity. Letter must be sent directly to the supervisor:
Important – All documents mentioned above (resume/CV, cover letter, reference letters) may be submitted in Portuguese or English.
Languages ENGLISH Level Excellent
Languages PORTUGUESE Level Good
Research Field Agricultural sciences » Tropical agricultureMathematics » Applied mathematics Years of Research Experience 1 – 4
Additional Information
Fellowship value: R$ 108.568,80 a year (R$ 9.047,40/month)
Selection process
The selection process for this opportunity will be carried out by ERC-HPS researchers considering analysis of the required documents and interview of the candidates. The required documents must be sent to the email: until 11:59 p.m. (Brasilia time) on 15/JAN/2024, with the subject line “Opportunity CEPENFITO-PD/Modeling”.
Work Location(s)
Number of offers available 1 Company/Institute Engineering Research Center – Plant Health in Sugarcane Country Brazil State/Province São Paulo City Jaboticabal Street Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n Geofield
Where to apply E-mail
Contact State/Province
São Paulo City
Jaboticabal Website
Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n Postal Code
14884-900 E-Mail
Empresa: Não informado
Localização: Jaboticabal – SP